Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our deepest fear..

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An old corny email

I just found this old email:

"A wind blows talking about you , telling me go .... go back to her, your worries will all over when you feel her hands seeking yours.

Love is a journey inside ourselves, you can say that where you're going and like this wind urges me on...

i won't loose my way i'll find you again.....don't ever let the dreams die ....... c u...
Francesco .."

Awww so cute ! why can't life be like movies ? I don't want to loose faith in soul mates, loving forever or being happy ever after .. I refuse not to believe !!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tonite's Insomnia

The inability to tolerate uncertainty, thats a key. Why? because equals Anxiety and Worrying .. Yes, I can't stand unpredictability, this is really funny cause I am writing a blog post when at the same time I'm reading another one .. Learning and transmitting it at the same time. "You may feel safer when you’re worrying, but it’s just an illusion." Thanks for the tip ..

Ok so basically I worry to f#$% much haha .. What I worry about? future, money, love, creating a family, friends etc ..

Apart from being my 30's life crisis must be that I'm also going through a LOT of big changes in my life. Changes at work, love, health and lifestyle .. I'm a very strong woman but I have the right to feel "uncertain" sometimes don't you think? Ok I'll try to be less analytical .. it just drives me crazy !

Good Night, I'll try to sleep again..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

MRI thoughts

First I lay down, is cold, I'm half naked. They put both of my knees on some holders. Plugs on my ears for the noise. Then it starts, really weird noise going on, I'm feeling a weird energy, I was told I can't move because then we will have to take the scans again.

So.. because I was told not to move, of course it made the time worst, I was just worried not to move at all.

I decided on my mind to start saying the "Our Father" and " Hail Mary" prayers, then talking to myself: "now what should I do? my hands are getting numb, can I move them? fuck this shit ! .. my mom told me I have to learn to be patient, ok lets be patient..."

..."Oh God I'm in such bad position my lower back does not touch the ground weird ... Ok ok Rosario think in something else, I feel like I'm on Grey's Anatomy ! I wished the one doing my MRI was Mark Sloan, he is so hot ! "

..."Those squares on the ceiling need to be installed properly, I mean they are ok just need to be perfect.. ok whatever. Patience? my ASS mom ! ... please stop ! please stop ! Those magnets are making me feel weird, it kind of hurts inside my belly, maybe that's why they asked if there was any chance of being pregnant, of course I am not ! .. ok ... last one please .. the blood of my hands is falling down and getting numb ! oh no ! my left foot is also sleeping..."

"Doctor, can I put my hands down?" doctor says "Its over"

Thank God !

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New York I love You

Robin Wright ..

You know,
this is what I've always
liked about New York--

These little moments
on the sidewalk, smoking,

thinking about your life.

Makes you appreciate
the city better.

You can watch the buildings.
You can feel the air
and look at the people.

Sometimes meet somebody
you feel like you can talk to.

You can talk about what?

Things you can say
to a stranger.

You know, when there's
no past, there's no guilt.

Have you ever made love
to a perfect stranger?

Now you're teasing me.

I believe I am.

Well, I mean...

No, not exactly
a perfect stranger,

if you mean someone
I wouldn't know at all.

It's sad.

It's sad? Why?

Because there's almost
nothing more exciting

than fucking somebody
you don't know.


You don't know
their name,

barely saw
their face.


Don't tell me your name.

You know what?
As soon as I finish
this cigarette,

I have to walk back
into that restaurant

and sit down again
in front of my husband.


And he won't look at me.

And he won't notice
I'm not wearing a bra
under my dress.

No bra?

No panties, either.


No underwear?

Not today.

I feel sad for this
poor, lonely husband

who can't see his wife's
hidden talents.

Don't you think he's like
every man, though?

He's typically
blind and bored by
his very own wife,

ready to fantasize about
the first unknown woman

he hasn't fucked yet.

Am I bothering you?

Not at all.

Yeah. And you say that because
now I've turned you on, right?

You want
to take me to bed.

Do you want
to take me to bed?

Yeah, I probably do.

Aw, come on. All right,
why are you telling me
all of this?

Because tonight
I want things
to change.

Chain smoking's
a bad thing.

Who knows?
Maybe we'll meet again.

Thank you.

Enjoy your meal.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Check this movie part video !!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ready, set, GO !

1.- Set a Goal (Be specific: what, when, where)

Short Term Goal

To create in the month of January of 2011 a Custom Mural Painting Company in Miami Beach, FL. The mural paintings will be based in nature and all kinds of trees.

Long Term

To leave my current job in the next 6 months, to have a successful company that allows me to be free and travel the world without having a boss telling me what to do.

2.- Make a Plan (How)

  • I am going to finish my own living room mural painting, then I will have 3 models to show as samples of my product.
  • Professional photo shooting of my paintings.
  • Create a name for the company.
  • Create a basic portfolio in a free blog.
  • Design and print new business cards.
  • Promote my company through online media and flyers.
  • Make a mailing to some buildings in South Beach advertising the company.
  • Start setting up a calendar to be organized with Nespresso schedule.

3.- Get to Work

Already working on it, don't u see???

4.- Stick to it

Let's see !!

5.- Reach Goal
