Today I found myself at home, the one that has been my home for the past 3 years and a half..
I love it here, the place is called Tribeca, is a boutique building surrounded by a beautiful courtyard full of palm trees, parrots and cats; full of life. My actual unit is located on the first floor and has a beautiful Key West style terrace that makes you feel like living in a small cozy house.

I have two indoor cats, Bella and Luna. They both love looking through the window and get crazy about the birds flying around hehe

Lots of light come through the windows from all over the apartment.
Even though we are located in the corner of a busy street we have lots of quietness and peace.
I'm writing about it because I want to be able to remember this moments..
Unfortunately is my time to move in life (again).. I will be moving from this beautiful place to another one not as beautiful but really nice.. Things changed in my life and I must go on the look for new cheese :)
Its hard to accept change. You get so used to it, so comfortable to the same routine, people, condo..
I guess in order to squeeze life and all its surprises you got to move constantly and explore. It will make you grow, be stronger and interesting.
We only have certain years sometimes we could last long, sometimes it could be tomorrow, we never know. We do not know also what will happen after its over. That is why for now lets enjoy life, like a friend always says: "Life is good". I'm happy with my life and I am grateful for what I have, health, family, friends, a job and I live in one of the best places in earth, South Beach hehe
Hope you can feel the same way .. Love